The ultimate framework for creating your own Haxe targets!
compiler | |
config | |
data | |
debug | |
helpers | |
input | |
output | |
preprocessors | |
BaseCompiler | The super class all compilers should extend from. The behavior of how the Haxe AST is transpiled is configured by implementing the abstract methods. |
BaseCompilerFileOutputType | An enum for dictating how the compiler outputs the target source files. |
BaseCompilerOptions | A structure that contains all the options for
configuring the |
CompiledCollection | Used to store the compiled data and its metadata. |
DirectToStringCompiler | An extended version of the |
GenericCompiler | The compiler that allows for custom types to be used as returns for
the |
MetaArgumentType | The metadata argument type that can be configured
in "metadataTemplates" for |
ReflectCompiler | The heart of Reflaxe. |