The heart of Reflaxe.

This singleton implements the generation by calling functions at various compiler phases.

Static variables

@:value([])staticCompilers:Array<BaseCompiler> = []

Static methods

@:value({ options : null })staticAddCompiler(compiler:BaseCompiler, ?options:BaseCompilerOptions):Void

@:value({ compileFunc : null, targets : null, paramTypes : null, disallowMultiple : false })staticMetaTemplate(name:String, doc:String, disallowMultiple:Bool = false, ?paramTypes:Array<MetaArgumentType>, ?targets:Array<MetadataTarget>, ?compileFunc:(MetadataEntry, Array<String>) ‑> Null<String>):{paramTypes:Null<Array<MetaArgumentType>>, meta:MetadataDescription, disallowMultiple:Bool, compileFunc:Null<(MetadataEntry, Array<String>) ‑> Null<String>>}


staticonCompileBegin<T>(callback:T ‑> Void):Void

Call this to access the BaseCompiler that's about to be used. This can be used to add callbacks to the hooks if desired.